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What Are The Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries For Women Over 50
December 9, 2020

What Are The Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries For Women Over 50

Self-help and self-improvement have become hot-button phrases in the last couple of decades. Typically, we think of that as eating healthily, exercising often, changing bad habits, and personal development. There is another form of self-care and self-improvement, though, and that’s cosmetic surgery. Ultimately, women are driven by a want to look younger while remaining natural. Think about the likes of Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, and Jennifer Aniston. Women over the age of 50 who are still killing it at what they do. So, what are the most popular cosmetic surgeries for women over 50?


Botox is the most common injectable, though collagen is also an option. Botox has a variety of medical benefits, but typically, in terms of women over 50 options for an injectable, it’s to smooth wrinkles, lines, and crow’s feet. It’s affordable, the results are immediate, and stunning celebrities like Nicole Kidman and Cindy Crawford have been open about their use of it.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery erases wrinkles, droopy eyelids, and deals with stubborn under-eye baggage. An eyelid reduction reshapes your eyelids reducing wrinkles, puffiness, and making you look younger. It isn’t just about looks, though. It can also improve vision. It’s a more costly option, and the recovery time can take as long as a few months but the eye area is a common cosmetic surgery spot for women over 50. Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta-Jones have both admitted to eyelid surgery in the past.

Skin Tightening

A skin tightening procedure may also be referred to as a facelift. Or, by its medical term – a rhytidectomy. This procedure quite literally lifts and tightens your facial tissue. However, it may involve the removal of excess skin, as well as smoothing out wrinkles and/or folds. While many people opt for an eye lift or a brow lift at the same time, these are not part of the facial lift process. Recovery may be as short as a couple of weeks, but as long as three months. It will help you reduce the signs of ageing, but it’s one of the most costly procedures. Just look at Jane Fonda.


Liposuction is one of the most common procedures for over 50s and under 50s alike. It’s an affordable procedure to reduce fat deposits from your arms, hips, thighs, tummy, buttocks, neck, and back. It may take several months to recover, but it’s a popular choice for many women.

Nose reshaping

Also known as rhinoplasty, nose reshaping gives you a new nose size and shape and can increase or decrease the size of nostrils. There are medical benefits to having your nose reshaped, but it’s a popular cosmetic surgery for the aesthetic as well. If you are having the procedure done to tackle a breathing issue your medical insurance might pay for it, but it’s a fairly affordable cosmetic surgery option for those in the market. You will experience swelling for many weeks following the procedure, but full recovery can take as long as a year.

Tummy tuck

If you want to remove excess skin and fat and tighten up your muscles, then a tummy tuck might be the answer to your prayers. Often, it’s paired with another procedure and while it’s a common choice for women who are done having children, it’s grown in popularity with women over 50 who want to enjoy their bodies as they grow older. It’s an affordable option and the recovery time is just two weeks!

Breast Lift

A breast lift will help you fight the effects of gravity! While recovery will take a few months, you will experience a helpful boost that will give you confidence back.

Final Thoughts

What once carried a social stigma has grown to become a commonplace practice for women (and men, too) of all ages and all over the world. Now you have a better idea of the most common ways to age gracefully, you can think about how you would like to assist yourself in the process.

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